Badr Al Samaa Group of Hospitals, on the occasion of world heart day, organized a heart awareness webinar. Dr. Mazin Bin Jawad Al-Khabouri, Director General – DGPHE, Ministry of Health, Oman was the chief guest of the event and Dr. Kadhim Jaffer Sulaiman, Sr. Consultant Cardiologist, National Heart Centre, MoH, DG-Specialized Medical Care, MoH and Immediate Past President Oman & Gulf Heart Association was the guest of honour. Dr. Benny Panakkal, Senior Consultant Interventional Cardiologist, Group Medical Director, Badr Al Samaa was the keynote speaker. The event was attended by the managing director of Badr Al Samaa, Dr. P A Mohammed, Executive Director Firasath Hassan and senior management of Badr Al Samaa, doctors, and general public.
Dr. Suman O S, Specialist Cardiologist, presented the welcome note and welcomed all the panelists and attendees.
Dr. P A Mohammed said that this year’s world heart day theme inspires us provide equal opportunities and facilities for every heart patient and communities. It tells us the importance of preventive heart care. He said we at Badr Al Samaa understand this responsibility better. Through our wide network of hospitals and medical centres, we are reaching to larger population with quality and affordable healthcare services. I urge to everyone to take a pledge on this World Heart Day to adopt heart healthy practices: good diet, exercises, quitting bad habits and regular heart screening.
Dr. Mazin Jawad Al Khabouri said that this event shows the importance Badr Al Samaa Group of hospitals places on continuous medical development and raising awareness on cardio-vascular diseases. He said Badr Al Samaa being the largest private healthcare provides has widest network and have cardiology services in almost all centres. He appreciated Badr Al Samaa Group of Hospitals for its efforts in preventive heart care and inspired to take more steps towards this direction.
Dr. Kadhim Jaffer Sulaiman said re-admission rates in cardiology are on the higher side. He said most cardiac diseases are preventable, raising awareness and regular preventive screening will help decrease the burden of cardiac diseases. Adapting heart healthy routines are not difficult and everything is possible. On World Heart Day the message is to focus on preventive heart care and not to wait for heart disease to occur.
Dr. Benny Panakkal in his keynote speech laid emphasis on this year’s world heart day theme; Use Heart to Connect: Your Heart, Every Heart and Connect People. He said we should use our knowledge, compassion, influence and utilizing digital health platforms to connect with each other and promote preventive heart-care. To achieve this aim there are here pillars identified which is equity; equal opportunities for quality healthcare, prevention; prevention is the key to control rise of cardio-vascular diseases and community; communities should be brought closer to provide new avenues of cardiac care.
Firasath Hassan said World Heart Day is an important occasion to raise awareness on cardiac diseases and encourage people for heart healthy lifestyle. This year theme of World Heart Day comes with harnessing the power of digital health to improve awareness, prevention and management of cardio vascular diseases. He said a healthy heart leads to happy life.
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